Saida, Historical Waterfront Revitalization

Saida, Historical Waterfront Revitalization

location: Saida, Lebanon

date: 2012

project: Joanna Maria Daoud

The aim of the urban design intervention in Saida is to enhance the historic center of the city as a residential and cultural center, diversify its functions for local communities and attract the tourists. The old city core represents the link with the past and is a physical manifestation of the social and cultural traditions and Saida’s identity. The strategy for revitalization of the old core seeks to restore the relation of the settlement with the seashore. The connection was lost in the beginning of 20th century as a consequence of

construction of the highway. The project aims to protect the old city against uncontrolled vehicle traffic while enhancing the infrastructures and accessibility. The intervention on the urban fabrics is minimized and consists of the removal of temporary structures and conservation of the historical tissue. The urban design proposal aims to enhance the dialog between old urban fabrics and opens spaces. The newly developed areas have clearly modern character without imitations of the building’s historical styles.